Sunday, June 21, 2015

Double H

Hi ya'll! It’s been a bit but you know what who gives a fuck. No one follows my blog anyway. Just like everything else this is for me. My forum to let me know I am still real.  I exist with my fucked up emotions. I don’t live in a constant of sedation. I am not sure how I feel about this, but I am giving it a try. It doesn’t hurt to try, does it? Okay really then why don’t you try some heroin? Everyone has a friend a person a confidant that they can run to with all of their hopes and dreams, their sadness and hurt and pain. Well mine was heroin for so long and now its not, but they are days when I wish I could just expose myself and all my nakedness to her. She would lie there with her open arms and caress every inch of me, wash away all the troubles, renew me, refresh me and then protect me in her warm amniotic fluid of her womb. She will keep me refreshed and unborn to the world and asleep in the surreal land of N.O.D.  She is not the choice I choose to make today. I know her fallacies and shortcomings. I know her tongue is forked and I feel it as she laps up the blood trickling done my arm to my wrist. I feel her need for me to come home and lie in her bosom and dream. The nightmare will rise quickly. Her beauty will turn to malice in an instant. I will act like I never knew this could happen. My anger and desperation will turn to fear and slavery. I will look into her eyes and see the smile of devilry and hear her whisper in my mind welcome home sweet precious boy are you ready to love me some more. She knows and I know I cannot turn back. I cannot run from her claws as they reach into my back and draw me close. The feel of her hot breath burning up my spine caressing and condemning me to her chains of love and hate.  No here is not the choice I will choose. I will hold dear this pain and sorrow that I feel and hope it flows from my mind as quickly as it came. I will try to be renewed in myself and my dreams of freedom and happiness. Oh how I deserve to be happy but ZI haven’t a clue where to begin, such an insane journey. Happiness?

So it is the year of the Johnny and that is for sure. Everything happened so fast. It’s not enough of course. I always want more. I am not happy. I am lonelier now than when I was panhandling. I at least spoke to people who gave a fuck about throughout the day. Now I go to work and work and work and work and get out of work and wish and wish and wish. Fuck.

I woke up so miserable today. My first day off in three weeks and I wanted to just die. I slept all day. I did not care see or speak to anyone. Why? Well if you have been reading we know that I have been struggling with this certain guy, I will call him double H

 I met Double H in a hard time of the year. I like to consider it as the time when I was paying for all of my good fortune. Friends and family members were dying on a regular basis and I managed to handle the loss without the crutch of self-destruction. I mean what a perfect time to get high and say fuck it. Everyone would understand. Instead I walked into a deli and saw a guy who was dressed in a bear suit. He was so adorable... His smile burned through the cold of the day and the cold I felt in my heart. I was in love. Yeah In love. First site shit. And it’s fucking real. We became friends and we talked and talked and talked. Then one day the topic came up and he asked when we were going to fuck/ I got nervous, I was so worried about this coming up. I wasn’t ready. I had all the scars on my ass. I was 30+ pounds overweight. Self-conscious and scarred to get naked in front of this boy. I told him it was to soon. I think I insulted him because I am sure no one had ever said no to this beautiful man. I didn’t say I wasn’t ready I said we were not ready. He was ready. He was ready to fuck the first day. He was/is me when I was his age. Hell he is me when I was 10 years younger than his age is now. I knew how to get what I wanted from men and how to use my young body to get it. I don’t think that is the case with him. I think he is just a normal man dealing with his overly active youthful sex drive. 

Time went by and something happened and he told me to get the fuck out of the store one day. I have been trying to find my way back since. Many people have told me to just forget him and move on. I can’t. It’s my life so I won’t. Many people told me dope was bad for me to go a detox clinic and move on. I didn’t until I was ready, so I don’t I will listen to your advice on this either. I knew it was going to end in heartache and a big bucket of tears, but I thought I would have a little tome spent with him. I do think there are other forces trying to keep us separated. I do not think it is just him. He told me to wait until September once and I set my sights for the fall. Autumn a perfect time to fall in love. Sweaters, leaves on the ground, chilly nights, and perfect smells of nature rolling through the air. I hope it is for real.

The other day I panicked and wanted him then and there, I went to the store and was ignored as usual. I watched him talk to dirty little queer that looked like he used his pants to wipe his face and hands on after breakfast he spoke with Double H quietly and private. He walked by me several times that day, once in the am after he left the store and once while on a smoke break at work. The guy definitely doesn’t live in Chinatown. I think he is a messenger for some shit deal that Double H got himself involved with before we met.

Well, I have decided I am going to give him the space he needs or wants from me. I am not going to spend free time lurking around hoping to talk. He knows how to find me. If he needs me I am never far, NYC isn’t that big. I am in love and I cannot just walk away without some kind of closure. He owes me that much. I don’t want to hurt him, so I will keep my distance away and my jealousy should be controlled if I stop hanging around.
He doesn’t have to change his lifestyle to be friends with me; I just want what he promised me the day before he threw me out. I want him to try and be a better friend to me.

I don’t have to wonder what sex would be like if we were to succumb to our desires. The passion would drive us crazy; I know that for a fact. He is a sexual creature. I am a sexual creature. A sex addict. I have not has sex that mattered to me for a very long time. This ritual would be explosive. I just hope that I once again let my ego and self-consciousness destroy something that could be beautiful. I am sick of frequenting sex clubs to get a quick fix and feel wanted by the perverted cliental.

Until next time…Cheers.
Oh I have realized that writing daily in the blog is no longer realistic, but I will get one piece out to who ever care once a week.

Tootles Johnny Check out my essays on the first essay is titled, "Turning tricks to get my fix."

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