Friday, May 15, 2015

Internship Week 1

Okay, ya'll the first week is behind me I only have 25 to go!!!!! (ha by the time i post this i'll be in to week 4)

I like it. Phewww. 11 months of sitting in a classroom wondering if I was going to enjoy counseling people who really don't feel they need counseling. Unfortunately this is the case for the workload I am about to have placed before me. I have my own office and on Thursday the 7th, I became an official member of the team with my own interoffice email. I have access to the program that is the heart, mind, and soul. 

I think I can do a fine job in the group department, especially after sitting in on a handful of my colleagues groups. I have witnessed how he facilitates his groups, I need to sit on the other counselors groups. I am sure she runs groups much differently. Most likely, her groups are not like attending as funeral party. I'll probably have six groups. This will make the days go by and more importantly provide me with a feeling of purpose. I feel like I am in limbo. I guess any new job would give me this feeling.The notes after the groups are going to be the killer. I have not been instructed about writing notes as of yet. I have to summarize the highlights of group and a note for each individual client must be prepared in their chart. This note provides proof of the client's attendance and participation for that particular group.

Pertaining to Urine and other water sports...

I grab patient's urine once a week. The first few days of the week will be heaviest. The other counselor has allowed the clients to feel that they have the upper hand within the client/counselor role. I cannot let this happen. . When I was instructed on the proper procedure of performing toxicologies and how to collect urine to be tested I was told that I must witness the urine coming out of the penis and into the cup. I am sure that my colleague doesn't have the client urinate into the cup in front of him. I did not take this internship to become friends with the clients, so I will perform the collection of urine the proper way. I will not take an excuse, name calling will not bother me. I have no problem submitting a negative toxicology report t because the client couldn't follow protocol.

One client has already tried to push me around concerning the previously unfollowed rule of the the counselor observing the urine exiting the penis. When I said to him, " Please, turn around so I can watch you urinate?"
He turned his head to look at me, shook his head in a 'check this guy out,' gesture, laughed, turned back to face the wall and started urinating. He said under his breath, "I ain't gonna let you see my dick. Faggot."
"Do you call your PO a faggot when he makes you piss in front of him?"
"He don't watch. He don't even go in room with me.
"Now that's a lie," I said." Parole doesn't have a choice. They have to watch you piss."
"Man, you don't know shit. You just want to see my dick." He put the cup down  on the counter and shot the cover into the sink.
I looked at him and informed him that his urine would get a positive toxicology that day. I told him that the director told me that any who refuses to follow protocol would fail the screen automatically. He walked out of the bathroom. I heard a door slam. He went into the anger management group to bitch and complain about me. After I finished taking care of the urine sample, I walked into the group and listened for a few seconds about the client bitching about me. The counselor in charge of the group told everyone I was a new counselor and not to worry about me. I am not sure what that meant. He then told me in front of the group that I didn't have to pay attention to that rule. I left the group. The counselor basically took away my authority as a counselor and told me to not to my job correctly in front of them.

I was sitting in my office wondering what I should do about this incident when my other colleague entered my office. She looked at me, immediately sensed something was wrong and asked. I told her part of the problem. SHe told me that i had to tell the director. The director came into my office and I explained the problem, what was said to me and how I felt. I omitted the lecture that robbed me of my authority over the clients. She told me she would take care of the little problem. She went into the group and gave them hell. I don't think it mattered though. We will see.

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